About this project :

Final conference
The concluding conference of the joint program will be held in Strasbourg, Council of Europe main building, from Monday 4th November 2013 to Wednesday the 6th. The last day will be a visit to several interesting initiatives in Strasbourg.
Program and more information
After the conference
In order to give continuity to the results of Responding Together project in 2013 and to the final conference, 12 thematic networks have been created. They are meant to identify as many local initiatives as possible and then to systematize them in order to create a wide data base of good practices and reference models, able to provide in each area and to every citizen specific methods, advices and tools related to their projects. We hope as well to contribute thereby to increase the exchanges of experiences and encourage networking.
How to contribute ?
Responding together gives you the possibility to contribute in various ways. You can either simply drop us a link here or, after having registered to the website, you can interact in more ways with the website content : submit us an action, a challenge you are facing and/or answer to an article that took your interest while browsing the acting together and learning together themes. You also have the simple possibility of submitting content via a structured form.
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STREET FEAST, Ireland, June 2013
Publié le : 2013-06-23 13:03 - Expires At: 2014-06-23 13:03 -
When: Sunday, June 23rd 2013 Where: All across Ireland What: Street Feast is a day of local lunches across Ireland on 23rd June, hosted by you and your neighbours. They can be anywhere really — out on the street, in a local park or in your front garden. Contact: hello à streetfeast.ie |
Ulyanovsk, Russia, June 2013
Publié le : 2013-06-19 13:17 - Expires At: 2014-06-21 13:17 -
Responding Together meeting with citizens and public officials form Ulyanivsk Oblast Date: June 19-21, 2013 For more details about the event, please contact Malcolm Cox - malcolm.cox à coe.int |
Publié le : 2013-06-11 14:08 - Expires At: 2014-06-11 14:08 -ALTER SUMMIT, Athens, June ‘13
Publié le : 2013-06-07 14:04 - Expires At: 2014-06-08 14:04 -Ankara, Turkey, June 2013
Publié le : 2013-06-03 13:14 - Expires At: 2014-06-05 13:14 -
SPIRAL methodology training with local public officials Date: June 3-4, 2013 For more information please contact Malcolm Cox - malcolm.cox à coe.int |
Kavala, Greece, May 2013
Publié le : 2013-05-29 13:09 - Expires At: 2013-05-31 13:09 -
Responding Together meeting with citizens and local public officials Date: May 29-31, 2013 To participate, please contact Malcolm Cox - malcolm.cox à coe.int |
Bălți, Republica Moldova - 27-28 Mai, 2013
Publié le : 2013-05-21 09:04 - Expires At: 2014-07-01 09:04 -
Întâlnirea „Să acționăm împreună! – Implicarea cetățenilor împotriva excluziunii” este organizată de către Consiliul Europei și este prevăzută pentru data de 27-28 mai a.c., conform programului atașat. Întâlnirea va avea loc în incinta Hotelului Bălti, strada Mihail Sadoveanu, nr. 1 La întrunire vom explora posibilitatea inițierii procesului de construire a localității d-stra ca teritoriu de coresponsabilitate, demers care să permită implicarea cetățenilor în exprimarea dimensiunilor de bunăstare importante pentru viața lor, dar și în dezvoltarea unor răspunsuri concrete, prin punerea în comun a așteptărilor, ideilor și resurselor fiecăruia. Metodologia folosită în acest sens a fost dezvoltată de către Consiliul Europei, Divizia de Coeziune Socială (wikispiral.org). În timp ce explorează abordări noi/experimentale în cadrul unui proiect axat pe combaterea sărăciei, Consiliul Europei invită cetăţenii şi reprezentanții administrației publice locale la o întrunire cu scopul de a îmbina ideile, expertiza şi resursele în mod colaborativ şi co-responsabil şi a le aplica în acţiuni concrete pe plan local. În speranța că ne veți putea da curs invitației, vă rugăm să ne confirmați participarea la întâlnire la adresa de email – andrei.trubceac à coe.int Mai multe detalii despre eveniment găsiți în atașamentele de mai jos. |
Palermo, Italy 17-19 May 2013
Publié le : 2013-05-15 15:07 - Expires At: 2014-04-18 15:07 -
Responding Together - introducing bottom-up approaches at municipal level For more information contact David Rinaldi: david.rinaldi à coe.int |
Portugal: Lisboa
Lisboa is the capital of Portugal. It is located on the north bank of the river Tejo's mouth. The city itself has 550.000 inhabitants (2 millions with suburbs). As all municipalities in Portugal its coordination group is a local social network created in the framework of the national law of social network (1998). Taking into account the big dimension of the city the actions are organized by "priority neighbourhoods" with a participative framework. Territory - cityShort description of your territory main characteristics (geography, inhabitants, history, socio-economic situation) Lisboa, capital de Portugal has 1 million de habitantes. Coordination groupDescription of your coordination group, its history, composition, organisation and functioning Como todos os municipios de Portugal, o grupo de coordenaçao local é uma Rede Social coordenada pelo CLAS (Comissao de Ligaçao para a Acçao Social). Foi creada em ... e é composto de .... ProcessThe local co-responsibility building process and projects ongoing. Also examples of flagship actions, ... Participation in the networkYour activity in the network of the current project and your participation in other Wikispiral projects |
OUISHARE FEST, Paris, May ‘13
Publié le : 2013-05-02 14:10 - Expires At: 2014-04-04 14:10 -
http://ouisharefest.com/#about When: Thursday-Saturday, May 2-4th 2013 Where: Paris, France What: This three-day festival about the ‘Collaborative Economy’ will bring together a global community of entrepreneurs, designers, makers, economists, investors, politicians and citizens to build a collaborative future. Day 1-2 will gather 500 professionals and public officials. Day 3 will be free and open to the public. |
Sofia, Bulgaria, April 2013
Publié le : 2013-04-22 10:04 - Expires At: 2014-04-23 10:04 -
April 22-23, 2013 to participate, please contact Malcolm Cox - malcolm.cox à coe.int April 22-23, 2013 to participate, please contact Malcolm Cox - malcolm.cox à coe.int |
EPPC (European Public Policy Conference), Paris, April ‘13
Publié le : 2013-04-18 14:06 - Expires At: 2014-04-20 14:06 -
http://eppc2013.wordpress.com/ When: Thursday-Saturday, April 18-20th 2013 Where: Paris, France What: Organised entirely by students of public policy, the EPPC conference “Breaking the Cycle: Rethinking Poverty in the Developed World” aims to address the pressing challenges that we continue to face in the 21st century. |
Forum Social Mondial en Provence
Publié le : 2013-04-13 11:00 - Expires At: 2014-04-13 11:00 -
FORUM SOCIAL MONDIAL EN PROVENCE “Que faire maintenant ensemble?” Samedi 13 avril à Salon de Provence de 09h à 22h Espace Charles Trenet - Bd Aristide Briand - Salon de Provence http://www.forumsocialprovence.org/ Au programme :
Le "Village des Possibles" au sein du Forum Social Mondial en Provence est réservé à la présentation des alternatives et animations. Nos organisations se battent CONTRE certaines réalités jugées inacceptables : la discrimination, la dégradation de l’environnement, le chômage… Elles agissent également POUR réaliser des idéaux, instaurer une autre situation, et pour cela, elles ont des PROPOSITIONS, même simples, immédiates et transitoires. C’est cela des alternatives ! ((http://www.forumsocialprovence.org/spip.php?article487&var_mode=recalcul|Inscriptions)) Si vous êtes sur twitter vous pouvez suivre l'activité du FSMP avec #fsmpce Si vous êtes sur facebook : https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Forum-social-Mondial-en-Provence/445109292234687?fref=ts |
Muratlı Coordination Group 9 April 2013, Turkey
Publié le : 2013-04-08 10:02 - Expires At: 2014-04-18 10:02 -
Meeting with Muratlı Responding Together Coordination Group Presentation and discussion of forming of the Coordination Group, and then actions proposed. For more information contact Malcolm Cox: malcolm.cox à coe.int |
Tekirdağ Coordination Group 9 April 2013, Turkey
Publié le : 2013-04-08 10:01 - Expires At: 2014-04-18 10:01 -
Meeting with Tekirdağ Responding Together Coordination Group Presentation and discussion of forming of the Coordination Group, and then actions proposed. For more information contact Malcolm Cox: malcolm.cox à coe.int |
Malkara Coordination Group 9 April 2013, Turkey
Publié le : 2013-04-08 10:00 - Expires At: 2014-04-18 10:00 -
Meeting with Malkara Responding Together Coordination Group Presentation and discussion of actions proposed. For more information contact Malcolm Cox: malcolm.cox à coe.int |
Pehlivanköy Coordination Group 8 April 2013, Turkey
Publié le : 2013-04-08 09:57 - Expires At: 2014-04-18 09:57 -
Meeting with Pehlivanköy Responding Together Coordination Group Presentation and discussion of forming of the Coordination Group, and then actions proposed. For more information contact Malcolm Cox: malcolm.cox à coe.int |
Ipsala Coordination Group 8 April 2013, Turkey
Publié le : 2013-04-08 09:54 - Expires At: 2014-04-08 09:54 -
Meet Ipsala Responding Together Coordination Group Presentation and discussion of proposed actions for the Joint Programme. For more information contact Malcolm Cox, malcolm.cox à coe.int |
Lisbon, Portugal 4-5 April 2013
Publié le : 2013-04-03 15:12 - Expires At: 2014-04-18 15:12 -
Social Workers Network Responding Together actions proposals Contact Samuel Thirion: samuel.thirion à coe.int for more information |
Namur, Belgium 15 March 2013
Publié le : 2013-03-14 15:21 - Expires At: 2014-04-18 15:21 -
Communities of Wallonia responding together: action proposals For more information contact Samuel Thirion: samuel.thirion à coe.int |
Tekirdağ, Turkey Training 6 March 2013
Publié le : 2013-03-06 09:42 - Expires At: 2014-04-18 09:42 -
Training on Responding Together for five municipalities in East Thrace, with Trakyakent. Training on: Identifying opportunities and challenges at the local level to reduce poverty and inequalities Identifying hidden and potential resources, and opportunities to reduce waste Identifying actions that de-stigmatise vulnerable groups, respond to collective visions of well-being, engage all citizens in local areas, develop commons, sharing and co-responsibility To participate, please contact Malcolm Cox - malcolm.cox à coe.int |
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