Pictures by Tlandhuis and Orti Urbani Garbatella

In general, what is being produced in community gardens is shared among the people taking part in the care of the garden. In most cases, these places contribute to the recovery of public spaces (shared gardens are often developed on reclaimed or abandoned land) as well as to the construction of social ties within the same community, between people of all ages and backgrounds.


Allotments - a social and environmental amenity to towns

Auteur : Malou Weirich /Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-08-21 09:21 -

The Mazargues allotment gardens, situated on the Joseph Aiguier site, are part of the city of Marseille’s historical heritage. The Gardens and the allotments greatly contribute to community life - facilitating a healthier environment, social inclusion, access to food and more...

The London Orchard Project

Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-05-10 08:54 -

Urban fruit for urban communities – developing a skilled community of Londoners to plant, care for and harvest fruit trees, thereby connecting urban communities and increasing access to fresh fruit.


Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-04-19 09:00 -


The Garden of Eden Project

Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-04-12 12:31 -

The Garden of Eden Project is one way to help your community take local action towards local and global environmental improvement. One tangible way to address climate change is to plant trees. Not only this, it is an opportunity to bring a community together to design and create a common project that is eco-friendly, sustainable and will give back to the community in years to come.

Urban Gardens in Rome 2 - The Eut-Orto Project

Auteur : alessandra sciurba - Publié le : 2013-04-03 07:42 -

In September 2010, some workers of the corporation Eutelia Information Technology in Rome, after having been made ​​redundant as a result of the crisis that hit the company, decided to create an urban garden community cultivating 3000 square meters of land owned by the Province of Rome, for consuming and selling agricultural products, thus continuing to work together and maintaining the visibility of their dispute for the workplace.

Urban gardens in Rome 1 - Common urban gardens in Garbatella

Auteur : alessandra sciurba - Publié le : 2013-04-03 07:08 -

In the last year in the city of Rome, different experiences of urban gardens have arisen as a form of opposition to unemployment and increasing poverty but also to overbuilding, cementation, and privatization of public territory. Here below are two of the main initiatives.

Some associations and social centers of the district of Garbatella in Rome, with the participation of many citizens, decided to occupy an abandoned area in order to create a common garden.

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Please note: The experience of community gardens is discussed on other sections of this website under the categories Environment (Use of public spaces) and Avoiding waste (DIY/GIY movements).