Knowledge is a rich resource to have; it is also something that can and should be shared with others, thus opening and broadening people’s minds to new or alternative ways of thinking and acting. Regardless of working background, age or ethnicity, it must be recognised that everyone has a piece of knowledge or skill that could contribute in some way to society.
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Unfortunately, many aspects of modern Europe would appear to reject this notion, leaving many groups and individuals (homeless, migrants, young & elderly) feeling stigmatised or useless. The feeling of “belonging” is crucial to the well-being of a person; appreciating and putting to use that person’s knowledge or skill is one way in which he/she can feel a part of something.
This is exactly what the actions described below seek to achieve. Creating a means for “mutual learning and exchange”, whereby people in a community (on or offline) or neighbourhood can share knowledge, skills and practices, gives rise to increased opportunities for social inclusion, empathy building and improved well-being.
The power of knowledge cannot be underestimated.
Pictures by The London Orchard Project, Alter Summit, Young Social Innovators
Below are listed examples of actions (in orange) and policies (in green) collected with regard to Knowledge.
The role of Education is central to a person's development and well-being, particularly in childhood. Education provides the means to expand knowledge, learn valuable life skills, interact with others (peers, teachers, etc.) and much more besides. Despite governments continuing to stress the importance of quality education, many Europeans either do not have access to it or cannot afford it.
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UNESCO stipulates that "Education should be a means to empower children and adults alike to become active participants in the transformation of their societies." It also underlines the fact that learning should focus on the values, attitudes and behaviours which enable individuals to learn to live together in a world characterised by diversity and pluralism. The examples below are evidence of alternative ways in which civil society and other associations, with or without the help of public authorities, are doing just this.
Use of shared spaces - public/private
Building awareness
ALL examples of actions and policies
- Please note: ACTIONS (in orange) and POLICIES (in green)
Auteur : Maria Jeliazkova -
Publié le : 2013-08-16 13:36 -
Citizen initiative against bank policies and privileges set out in legislation, which has been initiated by lawyers working in the public interest and is supported by different civil society structures.
Auteur : Maria Jeliazkova -
Publié le : 2013-08-14 14:11 -
Where institutions are unable to offer adequate help to disadvantaged and disabled persons; when the bureaucratic processes are too cumbersome and do not take into account the real "sensitivity" of timely actions needed to support these communities, the counselling offices of Civil Movement “DNES” step in.
Auteur : Maria Jeliazkova -
Publié le : 2013-08-14 12:46 -
The aim of the initiative (and the associated project) is to establish a configuration of social actors to support the creation and adoption of an adequate legal framework for the development of the social economy and social enterprises in the country.
Auteur : Maria Jeliazkova -
Publié le : 2013-08-13 09:37 -
Improving the livelihood and social status of vulnerable people by establishing a social enterprise: the project aims to establish and develop a municipally-supported social enterprise in order to provide secured employment of disadvantaged people in Dimitrovgrad, thus improving their quality of life.
Auteur : Anne-Iris Romens -
Publié le : 2013-08-05 08:19 -
A non-profit and volunteer membership organisation, dedicated to prevent all types of wasting, with the fight against food waste as its most important and pressing goal.
Auteur : Mariani Papanikolau -
Publié le : 2013-08-01 15:56 -
A self-organised network of migrants’ communities and associations, formed through continuous consultations with the objective of representing and strengthening the voice of migrants, organisations and communities in Greece as well as struggling for equal inclusion and participation in Greek society.
Auteur : alessandra sciurba -
Publié le : 2013-07-22 11:03 -
The Project Rebeldia, a social center which was for two years without a space to carry out its activities, together with the Municipality of the Commons (consisting of groups and citizens' associations that have always worked with the Project Rebeldia) occupied a former paint factory (Ex Colorificio), located in an industrial area of a multinational of about 14,000 metres, and which had been abandoned for 5 years. The main purpose of the occupation was to return it to the associations and citizen groups as a shared and common good; a place for the provision of many different activities and services to the city.
Auteur : alessandra sciurba -
Publié le : 2013-07-16 13:44 -
The non-profit Association Favara Urban Network is the laboratory for development of the City of Favara (AG). F.U.N. has the task of supporting, from a scientific and cultural point of view, the transformation processes of Favara and the metropolitan area.
Auteur : Louise Hain -
Publié le : 2013-07-15 22:36 -
HacKIDemia is a mobile intervention Lab that enables children to learn by doing and playing during hands on workshops around new technologies, science and art.
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