In a context of crisis and recession caracterised by increasing inequalities and precarisation of living condition, the need to change the way economy works is felt as being urgent for a growing part of the population. Local initiatives and global movements are proposing paths towards an economy that is more respectful of human dignity and the environment. One of the key point is to rethink exchanges in society and advance towards a more equal access to resources.
Below are listed examples of actions (in orange) and policies (in green) collected that design paths towards a new type of exchanges and access to resources.
Non-monetary exchanges
New systems have appear and develop in order to provide access to resources without using monetary exchanges.
In various fields and regions there are many ways in which resources – human, social, material, financial and cognitive – are wasted (including misuse, over‑exploitation and under‑utilisation). Sharing appears as a way to better use resources and also to provide access to them to a larger number of persons.
“Commonification” of public services means first and foremost managing them in a not‑for‑profit‑oriented way, and therefore as commons to which each and every individual must be able to have equal access, regardless of his or her ability to pay. In other words, “commonifying” public services serve to satisfy essential needs and enable the full exercise of fundamental rights. But “commonification” also implies a process of democratising the management of commons.
There is a need to create the right conditions that will enable the people concerned (regardless of social status) to take an active part in setting priorities and organising services. This gradual transformation process could be based on experimental models and should satisfy at least two requirements: first, that members of the public services’ board of directors include representatives of active citizens, people’s movements, NGOs and service staff; and second, that there are participatory forms of result evaluation.
The CSA initiatives consist in creating a direct link between consumers and producers, taking into account the environmental and social impact of the production process.
Below are examples of types of actions (in orange) and policies (in green) that relate to CSA.
Aucun article.
Aucun article.
Separating income from work
Although the money that results from paid-work activities is still the main way of having access to resources in European societies, it is not the only path. Other initiatives and practices proposed different ways to access them.
NOPPES, based in Amsterdam, is a 20 years old LETS (Local Exchange and Trading System). NOPPES's goal is to contribute to a more prosperous (social and economic) life of its members, who exchange talents, services and goods for ‘noppes’, a symbolic currency (noppes means ‘nothing’, no money).
A centre of sporting and cultural services and a solidarity economy, created in an abandoned public space to be later occupied by the people involved in the project.
Time Banking is a community development tool and works by facilitating the exchange of skills and experience within a community. The Rushey Green Time Bank's vision is to achieve a cohesive community in the Rushey Green area, where neighbours know neighbours and can rely on each other for help and support. Where people of different ages, cultures, backgrounds and abilities interact with each other on an equal footing and with mutual respect and understanding.
Auteur : Louise Hain - Publié le : 2013-05-13 07:29 -
Parliament & Citizens (Parlement et Citoyens) is a transparency and collaboration tool that allows representatives to involve citizens in drafting their bills. The platform proposes a new way for citizens to take part in the legislative process by co-designing laws.
"Recuperiamoci!" is a non-profit solidarity network within which circulates all the work experience that exists in the "prison sphere", and which aims to raise awareness and to improve the dignity of the alternative economy produced by the activity of prison inmates.
Auteur : Matthew Slater - Publié le : 2013-04-30 08:47 -
This article addresses the challenges that people are encountering when deciding to adopt a complementary currency without fully articulating the problem or the context, and consequently many projects fail. Also it describes the work of Community Forge, a non-profit association that designs, develops and provides complementary currency systems and tools.
Auteur : Louise Hain - Publié le : 2013-04-19 13:18 -
The Coroutine is a hybrid space made by and for citizens providing an environment to work (co-working), exchange ideas, info, goods and services around the local life (“Veilleuse”+citizenlab) create, innovate and design new objects and concepts with different available tools (fablab+incubator).
Repair Cafés are free meeting places and they're all about repairing things (together). In the place where a Repair Café is located, you’ll find tools and materials to help you make any repairs you need. On clothes, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles, crockery, appliances, toys, et cetera.You will also find repair specialists such as electricians, seamstresses, carpenters and bicycle mechanics. Visitors bring their broken items from home. Together with the specialists they start making their repairs in the Repair Café.
Streetbank is a website that allows you to see all the things and skills that your neighbours living with a mile of you are lending, sharing or giving away. In short, it helps you share and borrow things from people in your community whom you might never have gotten the chance to meet otherwise.