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21 access access to employment access to food accesstoemployment accesstofood accueil activism, agenda agenda21 aid, alimentation allcooking alleat, altenative alternative alternativeeconomy alternativemoney analitical and a third tag another tag apprentissage art art, authenticity authorities, autonomy avoiding waste avoidingwaste; avoindingpollution; barcamp barter being bicycle biologique bitcoin blagnac breaucracy, brussels bucharest buildingcommons bunastare buolding care carpooling carsharing chabaud children, citizen, citizens citizens assemblies citizenship citoyen civic civic engagement claims class cleaning, cluj co-housing co-production co-responsibility co-work co-working cohésion collaborative collective commons commons, community community, communizinghospitalityservices competences complementary conseil consume consumption coresponsabilitate coresponsabilité coresponsible territories corruption, creativity culture culture, currency cycling de democracy design destigmatisation diy drogues durable développement eco economy edgeriders education educational empathy empowerment en energy enterprise, entrepreneurship environment epxropriation, fighting poverty food grassroots health homeless housing insertion jardin learning local migrants mobility mobilization, mulhouse médiation network of participation pcs plans proximity public romania school sharing, sharingknowledge social sociale solidarity spaces spiral street study sustainablemobility territoire time tool training visit wallonie waste youth échange

3 résultats trouvés

Life new old Traditions

We are fighting poverty, work the land and produce healthy food, we live a quiet thanks to natural environments, our challenge? demonstrate that poverty can be put out of order if there is committed t  

Rivolta Social Centre

A self-managed social center built in an occupied abandoned factory that has lead to several initiatives : new forms of welfare for Italian and migrant population, innovative types of co-production of  

The Garden of Eden Project

The Garden of Eden Project is one way to help your community take local action towards local and global environmental improvement. One tangible way to address climate change is to plant trees. Not onl