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Intitulé Ouishare
Type Network Platform
Organisation Ouishare
Mot(s)-clé(s) P2P    collaborative    economy   
EN short description OuiShare is an open global community of passionate people (entrepreneurs, designers, makers, researchers, public officials, citizens and many others) working to accelerate the shift toward a more collaborative economy. We are a not-for-profit organization founded in January 2012, whose mission is to explore, connect and promote the ideas and projects which we believe can bring upon huge societal benefits through sharing, collaboration and openness.
EN main content

The mission of OuiShare is to explore, connect and promote ideas and projects that advocate the societal benefits of sharing, collaboration and openness. Our community-powered accelerator for inspiring projects creates knowledge, events, tools and connections through the following on and offline channels: Local hubs in European cities foster collaboration by organizing events such as meetups, conferences and creativity workshops. Collaborative online magazine is a trilingual, Creative Commons magazine (in English, French and Spanish) launched in July 2012. Conversation groups promote contributions from the community, keep them active and provide people with a place for online conversations. There are 36 different groups – some organized by language, geographical location or vertical groups focused on topics for example such as mobility, food and finance.

Main content in original language
Site Web Ouishare
Facebook Ouishare
Langue FR/EN/ES
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Créé le Jeudi 18 avril 2013 12:42:35 UTC
dernière modif. Jeudi 18 avril 2013 14:51:25 UTC