
Social Pharmacy-Social Medical office in Kavala

Auteur : Papandréou Lydia - Publié le : 2014-02-04 14:38 -

The Social pharmacy-Social medical office was founded to provide health services to underprivileged citizens of Kavala. The medicines’ kept at home- in no use- collection and management under the supervision of the local pharmacy warehouse in cooperation with local NGO’s working on social welfare provision.


Auteur : Mariani Papanikolaou - Publié le : 2013-09-07 16:50 -
Photo from the entrance of the Community Clinic

A community clinic providing free medical assistance to vulnerable civilians without social security or with very little income.

Infirmiers de rue (Street nurses)

Auteur : Louise Hain - Publié le : 2013-05-13 08:58 -
Infirmiers de rue

Infirmiers de rue bridges the gap between the streets and health actors to bring care and hygiene to homeless people through an empowering method around people’s dignity, self-esteem and responsibility. Using hygiene as an entry point for self-recovery, the Association ensures long-term support until housing re-insertion.