Location The Social pharmacy-medical office of Katerini is located at the Tobacco Station of Katerini, 8 Fleming str, next to the Court of Justice’s parking space. It operates since the 2nd of December 2013. Doctors are offering their services either at the Social medical office or at their private offices. The shift starts at 18.00-21.00 supported by a 4 people supporting team: a nurse, a pharmacist, a secretary and a volunteer. Medicines are prescribed only after the examination of the patient by the network’s doctor. Necessary for that is that the patient has a “family card”. In order for someone to be benefited from it has to acquire a “family card”. To obtain a “family card” you need to submit a request to the secretary of the Social pharmacy-medical office of Katerini. The secretary will book you an appointement with the social workers of the structure in order to get your profile and evaluate your needs in health provision. The social workers will assess all the requests and provide the respective family cards. The secretary operates every Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 18.00-21.00. Conditions Each family-beneficiary of the structure has to offer one hour of voluntary work per month for every member of the family. Excepted from the conditions are the elderly and the incompetent people.

Contact details Tel: +0030.2351039000, 6981665158 info à otoposmou.gr http://www.otoposmou.gr