Territoire de coresponsabilité de Chapelle-Lez-Herlaimont
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Statistics page

RR Code
dEnd  <- 1717712201
dStart  <- 946684800
  # Generic request
  # Loading libraries
# Loading file

# To make php load the cgname object
cgname  <- ""
s4r <- s4r[s4r$CG == "Chapelle-Lez-Herlaimont",]
s4r <- droplevels(s4r)

## General correction of the file
# Removing unneeded levels and correcting values
levels(s4r$nbexpress)[levels(s4r$nbexpress)==""] <- 1
s4r$nbexpress <- as.numeric(as.integer(s4r$nbexpress))

levels(s4r$question)[levels(s4r$question)==""] <- NA
s4r <- s4r[!$question),] # Remove empty questions

levels(s4r$DIM)[levels(s4r$DIM)==""] <- NA
s4r <- s4r[!$DIM),] # Remove empty DIMs
s4r <- s4r[s4r$DIM!="N",] # Remove N classified criteria

s4r$question <- factor(s4r$question, levels = c("WB", "IB", "ACT", "FG")) # Reorder questions
s4r$DIM <- factor(s4r$DIM, levels = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "N")) # Reorder Dimensions

# Rename levels
s4r$question <- revalue(s4r$question, c("WB"="What do you understand by well-being?", "IB"="What do you understand by ill-being?", "ACT"="What do you do, or could you do to \nensure the well-being of all?", "FG"="What do you understand by well-being \nfor the future generations?")) # Rename questions (\n is for newline / carriage return)
s4r$DIM <- revalue(s4r$DIM, c("A"="Access to essential resources", "B"="Living environment", "C"="Relations with and between organisations", "D"="Personal relations", "E"="Social balances", "F"="Personal balances", "G"="Feelings of well-being / ill-being", "H"="Attitudes and initiatives", "I"="Relationships within society")) # To rename dimensions

# Data aggregation
s4r <- ddply(s4r, .(DIM, question), summarize, nbexpress=sum(nbexpress, na.rm=TRUE))

# Basic definition of the plot
plot <- ggplot(s4r, aes(x=DIM, y=nbexpress, fill=DIM))

# Complete plotting
c.plot <- plot + geom_bar(stat="identity", show_guide=FALSE) + scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1") + guides(fill=guide_legend(reverse=TRUE)) + coord_flip()

# Faceting and printing plot
c.plot + facet_wrap(~ question, ncol=4) + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#CC0000", "#006600", "#669999", "#00CCCC", "#660099", "#CC0066", "#FF9999", "#FF9900", "#9999FF"))  + coord_flip() + xlab("Dimensions of well-being") + ylab("Number of criteria expressed") + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=12), axis.title=element_text(size=14,face="bold"))

For more statistics, please click here

Liste des groupes homogènes

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Accès aux synthèses

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Entrées de la base de données des actions pilotes

Items found: 0
No records found

Dernière modification de la page : Mercredi 09 octobre 2013 12:21:32 UTC
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