Spiral est construit par une communauté d'utilisateurs
Good practice SPIRAL and why we insist on collective consensus Spiral good practice/SPIRAL malpractice Expires At: 2013-12-07 15:26 -
No question SPIRAL is idealistic... and in reality there may well be occurrences of malpractice. Not in the sense of technicalities - e.g. missing out stage 2.3, doing something for x minutes longer than instructed, including too large a number of participants in one group. The methodology is merely a step-by-step guide to follow if you are not sure how to proceed. What is essential to SPIRAL however is a series of fundamental principles which if disregarded would make the process non-SPIRAL. En lire plus Responding together and SPIRAL Expires At: 2013-12-06 10:03 -
Malcolm's slideshow to present SPIRAL. ((https://wikispiral.org/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=13|En lire plus))
Spiral is built around a community of users
Good practice SPIRAL and why we insist on collective consensus
No question SPIRAL is idealistic... and in reality there may well be occurrences of malpractice. Not in the sense of technicalities - e.g. missing out stage 2.3, doing something for x minutes longer than instructed, including too large a number of participants in one group. The methodology is merely a step-by-step guide to follow if you are not sure how to proceed. What is essential to SPIRAL however is a series of fundamental principles which if disregarded would make the process non-SPIRAL. |
Responding together and SPIRAL
Expires At: 2013-12-06 09:03 -
Malcolm's slideshow to present SPIRAL. |
Cluj meeting feed-back and reflexions
Expires At: 2013-12-04 08:19 -Galleries d'images de la 2nde rencontre des territoires de coresponsabilité
Expires At: 2013-12-01 11:48 -
Un diaporama des images faites lors de la rencontre, ainsi que la réunion des dynamiseurs SPIRAL qui a suivi. |