Knowledge is a rich resource to have; it is also something that can and should be shared with others, thus opening and broadening people’s minds to new or alternative ways of thinking and acting. Regardless of working background, age or ethnicity, it must be recognised that everyone has a piece of knowledge or skill that could contribute in some way to society.
Unfortunately, many aspects of modern Europe would appear to reject this notion, leaving many groups and individuals (homeless, migrants, young & elderly) feeling stigmatised or useless. The feeling of “belonging” is crucial to the well-being of a person; appreciating and putting to use that person’s knowledge or skill is one way in which he/she can feel a part of something.
This is exactly what the actions described below seek to achieve. Creating a means for “mutual learning and exchange”, whereby people in a community (on or offline) or neighbourhood can share knowledge, skills and practices, gives rise to increased opportunities for social inclusion, empathy building and improved well-being. The power of knowledge cannot be underestimated.
Pictures by The London Orchard Project, Alter Summit, Young Social Innovators
Below are listed examples of actions (in orange) and policies (in green) collected with regard to Knowledge.
The role of Education is central to a person's development and well-being, particularly in childhood. Education provides the means to expand knowledge, learn valuable life skills, interact with others (peers, teachers, etc.) and much more besides. Despite governments continuing to stress the importance of quality education, many Europeans either do not have access to it or cannot afford it.
Use of shared spaces - public/private
Building awareness
ALL examples of actions and policies
- Please note: ACTIONS (in orange) and POLICIES (in green)
Urban Gardens in Rome 2 - The Eut-Orto Project
Publié le : 2013-04-03 07:42 -Repair Café Brussels
Publié le : 2013-03-14 18:02 -Challenges
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