This part of wiki gathers pages linked with codification : assignments of criteria, evaluation of expressions..., proper to the SPIRAL typology.
Summary of the codification
General presentation
The SPIRAL codification of the well-being criteria comes from successive works of classification of the well-being and ill-being criteria expressed by the citizens into the homogeneous groups. It aims to :
- help the citizens and local actors (multi-stakeholders plate-form) to produce synthesises leading to understand the expression of the well-being in a territory;
- build progress indicators in the well-being field for the purpose of investigations (the definition of the significations' scale is made from the codification of the criteria -see the methodological guide 2010, fourth part);
- make global synthesis and statistico-semantic analysis very specific of the citizen's voice (for example to re-think public policies).
To answer to these three objectives, the codification has to follow the principle of the absence of ambiguity : each code matches one and only one semantic signification (which has two "sides": one positive and one negative, see below) and for each semantic signification there's only one code. Each top-level code expresses a general semantic signification which corresponds to a level of generality. For example A means "access to essentiel resources" A01 "access to food", A01/P "not having access to food", A01/P15 "can't have access to food due to lack of financial means", A01-11/P15 "can't eat bread due to lack of financial means", A01-11/P15/k "can't give bread to my children due to lack of financial means".
We see in this exemple that the code of one well/ill-being criteria is composed by 3 subcodes separated by "/" : the subcode object, the subcode sense, the subcode beneficiary (see below). When climbing a level of generality in the object and meaning code "0" are used and "i" for the beneficiary code. For example A00-00/O-00/i is the same as A00 or A, which means "access to essentiel resources", A01-00/i00/i is the same as A01 etc. .
Important note:
- Don't confuse semantic signification and linguistic expression; often semantic significations can be expressed in several ways (for example "to have a job", "not being unemployed", "have work" are linguistic expressions which have the same semantic signification). Also, for the treatment of the well-being criteria a generic term representing the most simple, clear, and universally shared expression has to be found for each code.
- Any criteria has two opposite meanings: positive (which corresponds to the well-being) and negative (which corresponds to the ill-being). Also here, do not confuse positive or negative significance with positive or negative expression/syntax, - for example to be hungry is positive by the syntax but has a negative significance (ill-being).
- Positive significance and negative significance are inseparable in the criteria, as the two faces of one coin (see the guide 2010). That is why any code refers to both meanings. The generic expression chosen is positive except for the codes "P" and "O" to help with the construction of surveys.
- A criterion of well or ill-being is, in general, formulated with a infinitive verb, expressing a level of natural abstraction, in response to the 3 questions. Nevertheless for the needs of the surveys, we use the first person of the present simple. For the generic expression used in many criteria to fit the generic expression of the proposal, that we find in the surveys, we change the wording: "to have friends" become "I have friends".
Subcode object
The object code is what the criterion speaks about : food, drink, employment, family life, social cohesion.
- It includes a simple level, with a letter and two figures (= the component) :
- There are 9 dimensions
- The dimension = a capital letter (such as A, the dimension for access to essentiel resources)
- The component = dimension's letter + two figures: A02: medicines, care)
- It includes also an advanced level with a subcode:
- The component + two figures : A02-74: "Health care facilities"
Subcode meaning
The meaning code is the way we talk about an object : access to the object, quality of the object, sustainability, etc.
- It includes a simple level : a letter : R, P, O, Q or S
- Any meaning code is resumed in five categories
- It includes also an advanced level
- To the category we add two figures : O21 (here in this exemple it means that "there's not enough of the object")
As a result, combined with an object : A02-74 O21 : criteria "To set more equipment to the hospital"
Under-code beneficiary
The beneficiary code answers the question "For who"
- It includes a group of letters
- i = Individual or indetermined (we assume that by default the beneficiary is the individual who outlines the criterion) ;
- ne = Unemployed people
Proposition system
There is a system of a unique proposition for each combination of these three codes.
List of the codes
Simple codification (for the facilitators)
Advanced codification (Dynamisors, researchers)
Object code
Meaning code
Beneficiary code
Steps of the construction of a generic indicator (attribution / synthèse)
- Dimension (ex : A or I)
- Component (ex : A00 or I12)
- Category (ex : R--, P--, O--, Q--, S--)
-> Empirical redaction of the proposals It is possible to write the proposals in an empirical way by poll criteria synthesis.
- Meaning code level 1 = Category
- Meaning code level 2 - Major types (Indiv Conditions, Indiv Forms, Indiv Effects, Soc Conditions, Soc Forms, Soc Effects)
- Meaning code level 2 - Characteristics by major type
-> Systematized writing of the proposals A first systematized generic writing by combined Components and Sense-Code is done (Aissata's work). =>Set of generic proposals
- Object code objet level 1 = Component
- Object code objet level 2 = Sub-component
- Object code objet level 3 = detail
- Beneficiary code
-> Details of the proposals It is then possible to finalize the proposal in completing the generic proposals thanks to the object code.
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