
This is a template to provide you with ideas and some structuring information. Please remove those elements once you've written your content and don't hesitate to change the titles.

The idea

Why is this project great / important / matters today? The idea is the initial expression of a need, a challenge or an opportunity to trigger a change at local level and should express the vision behind. (i.e. avoiding land waste). This part will fit in 2-3 sentences maximum; should be short and to the point. It would be a brief outline of what the readers will learn from the article. Try to make it appealing, while being conscious about the change the action has brought or could bring.

The local context

What is the problem, the issue, or need in your area? What is its potential? Roots for change What elements of the local context have made the action possible? What projects in your area are directly or indirectly connected to it? Are there similar or complementary projects? What are the legal or institutional frames that supported or interfered with your action? Did you have to follow specific procedures or the action was started by simple decision of an individual or a group of local dwellers?

Historical background: If your project has a long track record that could highlight the lauch of your project, feel free to provide the reader with more historical details

The starting point

How did you begin your action? What were the decisive steps? Core group formation/ ressources mobilization/Common support Making the idea concrete Who had the idea? In which circumstances? Do not hesitate to relate stories, emotions, thoughts of the initiatior to grasp the tipping point that made an idea become a project. Forming the group. How did a team was organised around your idea? How did they get excited about the project? Did you face difficulties in attracting different kind of people/institutions? How the process of creating trust was engaged? How did you, the group, the idea gain legitimacy? Which difficulties have you confronted in involving actors/citizens from different backgrounds? What were or are the difficulties in finding time and spaces to build involvement? Mapping and mobilizing the ressources. What instruments did you use to identify the resources (both material and immaterial) required and those available within the community itself? How did you scout for resources (abandoned, unused, misused, underused)? What type of networking/sharing was built at this stage? Are there challenges to keep it going/making it sustainable? Common support and deliberation. How key actors and stakeholders required to achieve the desired impact (social, economic, technical) were identified and engaged? Who, among authorities or public administrations, supported the process?

How does it work today?

Practical infos, steps (for emulation!), services performed, means used, help... Access details: How can we get into the project, where, when? Services/ Activities performed: What kind of services/ activities/ items are being performed? Material and non-material assets used: Finances/ Building/ legal advices/ communication.


Who is coming, how do you manage to get and keep partners/volunteers, How do you make decisions? Users. What is the target group (the end-users and the foreseen impact on them)? Partners What are your relations with public or private bodies? How connections and relationships are established between the actors (individuals, groups, institutions and organizations). Who are/were your allies and your opponents? Governance How the democratic management of the team/partnership is ensured?. How is the information shared? Volunteers/Employees: Who contribute to the development of the project? Do you have employed people? How did you manage to create their post?'

The benefits of your project

What is the added-value of your project? What are the collective and personal learning?What were the key success factors? Added value How is the action creating added value (this doesn't mean money!)?. How factors as cost, social efficiency and quality are controlled? Could the model costs-efforts/benefits, be applied to your action? How do you evaluate the added value of the process? Are there multiplying effects that you haven’t foreseen at the beginning? Is the sense of belonging, inclusion or recognition stronger than before? Is the action being reproduced elsewhere? How do you get the word out about the project? Collective and personal learning. State the practical skills and competences (social, technical) that have been gained along the process. Do not focus only on quantity results but on quality outcomes along the process (weaving of knowledge, resources, creation of links, trust, etc.) How do you celebrate the success along the process?. What will be gained by others replicating the action elsewhere? Key success factors: What made your action actually work?

Identified Risks

What are the issues you've been or could be facing? Inertias and Shortcomings. What are the inertias or risks you face? How do you adapt or deal with them? Part of any learning process is to take stock from failures. What are some of the shortcomings of your action? Be candid about challenges and limitations: every community has capacities, but exchanging together provides room to improve the system for everyone.. In this section you might highlight crucial threats or problems you or others may be encountering while implementing the action. Include accounts of personal experiences or stories of people involved in the same action.

Future perspectives

How would your project evolve in the future? Next steps of your project What are the desire improvements/ changes you would like to see in your action? Are you looking for replication?


  • Holding organization:
  • Status:
  • Financing:
  • People involved in the project:
  • Public Partners:
  • Private partners:
  • Creation Date:
  • Contact Persons:
  • Main project link:


Additional useful advice for the reader and guidance in performing the action : web related articles/ Technical details.. Tips & Tricks have to do with things like:

  • Additional helpful/technical details''
  • Web related articles
  • Alternative paths that can be used''
  • Other useful non-step advice that doesn’t ‘fit’ elsewhere.

Try to avoid writing:

  • Personal opinions on the subject.''
  • Comments such as “Good luck!” or “Hope it works for you too!”''
  • Redundant information.

The Sources and Links It is not mandatory to use any sources or citations (especially when informing about your own action) but it can help readers to get more information on the topic. . Provide links to websites, networks of interest for readers. Please provide your contact or website contact and let’s know if you wish to interact with other potential users of your information. NOTE: If you're not particularly involved in something at the moment, perhaps you might want to share how your neighbours, friends or fellow city dwellers are dealing with both material (food, energy, population, health) and immaterial resources (networks, knowledge, time, etc.) to address the issue of impoverishment and precariousness. You can do this by interviewing them. As long as you stick to the provided structure, feel free to use any media outlet. It can be anything from video, text, infographics, mindmaps and other illustrations, or all of the above. If you need a hand please ask us or the community for help. Share your experience: choose your topic in Acting together or in Learning together and contribute!

Dernière modification de la page : Jeudi 11 avril 2013 08:53:53 UTC