Promoting an environment in Europe that is safe, clean and sustainable should go hand-in-hand with the safeguarding of people’s human rights and dignity. The latter is rendered meaningless otherwise, if the population cannot live in certain areas because of environment-related factors.
When we speak about the environment not only do we refer to it in an ecological sense, we are also referring to social and/or economic aspects. In this way, it can be said that modern-day Europe is facing numerous crises when it comes to environmental issues. Global warming, social justice and employment are topics that all need to be on the agendas of governments and institutions in a Europe where CO2 levels have reached record highs, growing numbers of people face poverty and precarity, and joblessness, particularly amongst the youth, is becoming endemic. More and more people are coming to realise that many aspects of European society are unsustainable for the environment. It is this realisation and “clarity of conscience” that has pushed individuals and groups to change the way in which they live as well as encourage and support others to do so. Below are different policies and practices that can and do contribute to a healthy, secure and more just environment.
Pictures by Orti Urbani Garbatella, Repair Café, Muzammal, Adevico
Below are some examples of type of actions (in orange) and policies (in green) that aim to promote an ecological and secure environment.
Sharing or pooling of resources – time, skills, etc.
Use of public spaces
Eco-friendly transport
All Examples of Actions and Policies
Urban gardens in Rome 1 - Common urban gardens in Garbatella
Publié le : 2013-04-03 07:08 -Repair Café Brussels
Publié le : 2013-03-14 18:02 -ADEVICO's workshops for responsible consumption
Publié le : 2013-03-08 00:10 -Challenges
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