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Synthèse des critères Debica

Période : du 01 Janvier 2000 au 08 Septembre 2024

Liste des groupes
Cliquez sur un groupe pour visualiser ses critères dans la synthèse
Firemen ; People who have no jobs ; People with psychic disorders who attend day house ; The pensioniers ; The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica ; The youth, that attends the scouts in debica ; Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica ; Youth ;
Sélection des groupes pour la synthèse :
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G00 - Sentiments de bien / mal-être en général
Firemen - WB safety ; lack of problems ; baby smile People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Being here The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB When something does not work ; Bad day Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - WB everything goes well ; happy life Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - IB bad feelings
G01 - Estime de soi / honte
G02 - Satisfaction / frustration
Firemen - WB life satisfaction ; job satisfaction Firemen - IB dissatisfaction The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB Satisfaction Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - WB being satisfied with onself
G03 - Sérénité / Peur
G04 - Stress / soucis
Firemen - IB breakdown People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Rest and Peace The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - WB silence, freedom, love
G05 - Joie / tristesse
Firemen - WB happiness ; joy ; laughing Firemen - IB bad mood ; bad mood People who have no jobs - WB Joy of life People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Smile People with psychic disorders who attend day house - IB Unhappiness ; sadness The pensioniers - WB Joy of life The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - WB happiness is the main goal of life ; joy The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB Unhappiness Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - WB being happy
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F00 - Équilibres personnels en général
People who have no jobs - WB Safety The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - WB each day can bring something good
F01 - Équilibre physique et santé
Firemen - WB health ; healthy baby ; not being obese ; good state of mind ; excercise ; health ; health Firemen - IB physical or psychological suffering ; bad health ; bad health People who have no jobs - WB Health ; Have health People who have no jobs - IB Illness People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB When I'm healthy ; Health ; Health People with psychic disorders who attend day house - IB being ill ; when I had a car accident ; bad health ; obesity ; being ugly ; unability to have children ; disability ; Death The pensioniers - WB I am healthy ; Health The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB Health The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Broken leg ; Illness ; Lack of beauty ; Obesity The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - WB health ; health ; health The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB disease Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - IB illness ; depression Youth - IB ilness ; death
F02 - Autonomie, liberté, indépendance
People who have no jobs - WB Independence The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - WB freedom ; independence/the ability to make independent choices ; freedom Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - ACT live your life
F03 - Emploi du temps et équilibre entre activités
Firemen - WB free time Firemen - IB too many duties ; fast life The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Boredom
F04 - Equilibre mental / émotionnel
The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Bad humor
F05 - Spiritualité et religion
People with psychic disorders who attend day house - IB disbelief in God The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB a crisis of faith
F06 - Équilibre dans les relations à la société
Firemen - IB loneliness ; loneliness The pensioniers - WB Being with retirements The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB fame The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB When someone muckrakes me ; When someone offended you or said something bad about you The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - ACT Forgive others and live in harmony with oneself The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - WB I'm needed ; consent of the people ; consensus among the people The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB lack of consent ; loneliness
F07 - Équilibre dans les relations à la nature
Firemen - IB lack of perspectives People who have no jobs - IB Lack of development possibilities People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Intellectual development People with psychic disorders who attend day house - IB I can't do anything properly The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB health The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - WB dreams fulfilled and unfulfilled The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB lack of ambition Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - WB selfrealization ; achieving goals Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - IB lack of personal fulfilment in the proffessional and social life ; impossibility for selfdevelopment Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - ACT selfdevelop Youth - IB failure at work
F08 - Développement personnel
H00 - Attitudes et initiatives en général
Firemen - ACT active life ; ethics People with psychic disorders who attend day house - ACT I don't give up, get up every day to fight for the better future The pensioniers - ACT Watch calm before the block (not that young people stayed after 20 in front of the block) The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - ACT Be a better person ; Change something in your life Youth - ACT living in agreement with my own consience ; being happy with every day
H01 - Travail sur soi / Respect de soi
Firemen - ACT taking care of my health People who have no jobs - ACT To acquire education, knowledge (courses) People with psychic disorders who attend day house - ACT taking exercise ; following a diet to feel better The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - ACT Not to drink alcohol ; Not to Take drugs ; Learn ; Do sports Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - ACT strive for excellence ; be a better person
H02 - Activités et initiatives privées
Firemen - ACT try to reach my goals ; searching new solutions ; hobbies, interests ; work ; courses ; study ; loyal job ; helping people ; studying ; doing sports ; courses, broadening my mind People who have no jobs - ACT To be more assertive People with psychic disorders who attend day house - ACT work ; playing the musical instrument ; performing in theatre ; use of my talents Youth - ACT work ; looking for a rich a wife ; spending time with my family, going away for trips with them
H03 - Attitude / Être sociable
Firemen - ACT smile ; loyalty ; meeting friends ; spending time with friends People with psychic disorders who attend day house - ACT smile to people ; send card for different occassions ; keeping in touch with friends and family ; help the therapist in her job ; respect people ; smile to people The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - ACT Not to see what’s bad in people but what is good in them ; Make good things ; Talk to people Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - ACT be polite to others ; not to argue with people
H04 - Rencontrer / Écouter, Être solidaire
Firemen - ACT trying to be needed People with psychic disorders who attend day house - ACT helping mum in cleaning the house ; love to my mum ; helping around the house ; making out dishes with my mum ; help the elderly ; sharing my knowledge ; help the elderly cross the street ; help the others The pensioniers - WB Help others The pensioniers - ACT Take care of children from dysfunctional families The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB helping others ; helping society The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - ACT Listen to your friend when he/she speaks ; Helping parents ; Helping elder people ; Make others happy ; Helping neighbours ; Help mum clean the house ; Help others Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - ACT help others in need ; take care of others ; to concentrate on others' needs ; listen to people
H05 - Responsabilité envers les biens communs
Firemen - ACT being a good role model to follow ; bringing up a good child The pensioniers - ACT To report environmental problems
H06 - S'engager dans la société
Firemen - ACT active social and political life The pensioniers - ACT Run for councilor ; Take part in social life ; Participate in meetings of district, city council sessions, The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - ACT Take active part in the elections ; Take active part in the society ; Submit your ideas to the town hall
H07 - Dynamique, volonté collective
The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - ACT Cooperate with others for higher goodness ; To do good deeds
E00 - Équilibres sociétaux en général
Firemen - WB ensuring the safe future Firemen - IB staying off people Firemen - ACT social life The pensioniers - IB Social callousness The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB lack of trust Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - ACT live in harmony with people around ; live in harmony with society
E01 - Identités et valeurs
The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB lack to sensitivity to beauty
E02 - Savoirs, conscience et équilibre dans l'éducation
E03 - Équité et mobilité sociale
The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - WB prosperity
E04 - Mixité sociale / cloisonnement
E05 - Violence et paix
The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB unequal chances with people (rough start due to origin) ; poverty Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - IB poverty of people
E06 - Équilibres économiques
People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Peace The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB war
E07 - Équilibres démographiques
Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - ACT live in harmony with nature
E08 - Relations entre la société et l'environnement
E09 - Progrès scientifique et technologique
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I00 - Relations dans la société en général
I01 - Relations de genre
I02 - Relations entre les générations
I03 - Relations entre cultures
I04 - Relations de proximité
I05 - Politesse, respect et tolérance
I06 - Solidarité, partage et transmission des savoirs et ressources
People who have no jobs - WB Respect of others People who have no jobs - IB Intolerance ; Lack of respect People with psychic disorders who attend day house - IB rude people The pensioniers - IB The arrogance of youth towards the elderly and disabled The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB respect The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Lack of respect The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB intolerance ; racism
I07 - Inclusion / exclusion
The pensioniers - WB Children at my block of flat who help me carry my shopping bags to the third floor The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB good cooperation
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D00 - Relations personnelles en général
People who have no jobs - WB Being together ; Love People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Sisters that teach me Religion People with psychic disorders who attend day house - IB Death of close person ; death of a close person ; loneliness The pensioniers - WB Be the part of the Senior House Group ; Contact with others ; Good relationships with people The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB Love of the other person ; Love ; meeting new people The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Quarrels ; When I am lonely ; Wickidnes of people ; Hatred ; Quarrel ; Quarrels with siblings ; Death of close person The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB total solitude Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - WB being accepted in the social and family environment Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - IB losing close person
D01 - Couple / relations sexuelles, sentimentales
Firemen - WB marriage ; love People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Love ; Health of my wife ; Boyfriend ; Female friend ; LOve The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB Reciprocated love ; dates ; relationship with someone The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Boys without heart Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - WB partner's support Youth - WB Sex
D02 - Vie de famille / relations familiales
Firemen - WB happy family ; smile and happiness of my wife and daughter ; happy family ; baby ; baby smile Firemen - IB problems of my relatives People who have no jobs - WB Happy family ; Loving family ; Time with family ; Being with family ; Peace in family ; Happiness in family ; Happiness of family ; Happy children People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Spending time with the family ; Visit of my English family ; Family ; Life in Family ; Family The pensioniers - WB I can count on my children, grandchildren, sons in law ; Grandchildren and children ; Grand children The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB Big Family ; Health of my family ; Happy Family ; Family ; dinner with family ; good family ; consensus in the family ; health in the family The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Someone form my family died ; Unhappiness in family ; Divorce of parents ; parents' quarrels ; Smoking by one of the parent ; Alcoholism in the family ; Illness in the family ; Lack of family ; Younger siblings ; Sometimes parents getting on your nerves The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - WB family ; family The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB discord and quarrells in the family ; the lack of support among relatives Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - WB health of my family ; my child's smile ; loving family ; having family ; meetings with my family Youth - WB family
D03 - Amitié / relations amicales
Firemen - WB close friend Firemen - IB lack of close friends People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Friends People with psychic disorders who attend day house - ACT taking friends to cinema or theatre in Rzeszów The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB Lots of friends ; Good company ; Nice friends ; True friends ; super pals The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Losing a friend The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - ACT Make New friends The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - WB friendship ; friendship The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB arguing with friends
D04 - Relations de voisinage
The pensioniers - WB I am happy with neighbors in my staircase ; Good neighbours The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB nice atmosphere
D05 - Relations dans les lieux d'activité (travail, école, ...)
The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB nice colleagues
D06 - Liens avec les animaux
The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB When I am not liked by others ; Losing your pet
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C00 - Relations avec et entre les organisations en général
People who have no jobs - WB Good Mayor The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Lack of good Power in the Town
C01 - Droits fondamentaux / reconnaissance
C02 - Fonctionnement de la justice
People who have no jobs - ACT More police patrols The pensioniers - IB Too few policeman walking in the evening and night The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB unjustice
C03 - Concertation / démocratie
C04 - Transparence / communication
The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB lie
C05 - Organisation, gestion, finances
People who have no jobs - IB Long queues and dates for doctors People who have no jobs - ACT More money for children People with psychic disorders who attend day house - IB quarrels between politicians The pensioniers - IB High bills for water, gas and electricity ; The way of ruling the country ; Impairment of health system The pensioniers - ACT Obtaining EU aid for the construction of shelters for the lonely and bedridden patients
C06 - Accès, information, et contacts
People who have no jobs - WB Friendly clerks The pensioniers - IB Clerks
C07 - Politiques publiques
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A00 - Accès aux moyens de vie en général
Firemen - WB fulfilment of all needs The pensioniers - IB Anxiety of unemployed, well-educated children and their flats The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB Certain future The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Lack of perspectives The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - WB peace and decent living conditions The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB bad living conditions Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - WB fulfilling phisiological needs
A01 - Alimentation
People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Good food People with psychic disorders who attend day house - IB lack of coffee in Social House The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB good food ; Food The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB empty fridge Youth - IB lack of pepsi
A02 - Médicaments et soins
People who have no jobs - ACT Free medications for children under 16 ; To cure health care system People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Good therapeutists ; Good nurses The pensioniers - WB I do not need to spend much money on medications The pensioniers - IB Problem with getting to specialist ; Long waiting to a doctor specialist ; Long wait for a doctor's appointment ; Long wait for rehabilitation ; Cumbersome time limits for the queue to doctors ; bad conditions for treating
A03 - Logement / aménagement
People who have no jobs - WB House on your own ; Have a flat People who have no jobs - ACT More flats The pensioniers - WB To have flat for my own ; Flat ; Senior House ; Good flat conditions The pensioniers - IB High rents for flats
A04 - Habillement
The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB Fashionable clothes ; Lots of clothes ; Lots of shoes ; earrings
A05 - Éducation / Formation
People who have no jobs - WB Education of oneself and children People with psychic disorders who attend day house - IB problems with working with the computer The pensioniers - WB Education of my children and grandchildren ; My daughter’s good performance at school The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB Good Marks ; good Marks ; good marks at school The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Bad marks at school ; Bad Marks ; There is school ; Too many hours at school ; Bad Marks The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - ACT Get good education ; Get good education
A06 - Emploi / travail
Firemen - WB job People who have no jobs - WB Job ; Stable job People who have no jobs - IB Lack of job People who have no jobs - ACT To get better paid jobs The pensioniers - IB Health service ; No work The pensioniers - ACT Find a job for a retiree, as it is not enough resources for food and basic fees The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Lack of Job The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - ACT Find a good job The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB no job, no prospects Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - WB work Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - IB no job ; losing a job Youth - IB work
A07 - Loisirs, culture, sports
Firemen - WB tennis People who have no jobs - WB Many events for children People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Weekend ; Empik store where I can buy a Cd ; Going to Helios cinema ; Good films ; Good fun ; Joyful Holiday ; Holidays ; Good fun ; Fun in Social House People with psychic disorders who attend day house - IB I can't go to the seaside this year The pensioniers - WB To spend my free time on trips, spa The pensioniers - IB Too few parties for the elderly The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB Having fun ; Having fun ; Nice party ; Fun ; partying ; holidays ; playing football ; nice parties ; spending free time with friends ; fun ; good fun ; meeting friends ; shopping The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - WB hobby (music) ; scouting Youth - WB lotto
A08 - Pouvoir d'achat / accès aux finances
Firemen - WB lack of financial problems Firemen - IB lack of finances ; lack of financial safety People who have no jobs - WB Money ; Good salary People who have no jobs - IB Lack of resources to live ; Lac of money The pensioniers - WB Good economic situation ; Stability of paid pension The pensioniers - IB Low pensions ; Worsening of the financial situation of people ; Too low pension The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - WB To be rich ; Money The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Lack of Money Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica - IB lack of money ; unablility to feed family Youth - WB Money Youth - IB too low incom ; lack of money
A09 - Aides et services à la personne
People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Insurance The pensioniers - IB Lack of help for the lonesome ; Lack of subsidy to low pensions The pensioniers - ACT Government should not take away a burial allowance The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Lack of help for poor, who has got no place to live The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - WB safety
A10 - Mobilité
People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Travels by train People with psychic disorders who attend day house - IB no bus no.12 at the weekends The pensioniers - IB Lack of buses ; Low rates of buses
A11 - Information / échanges
B00 - Cadre de vie en général
B01 - Salubrité / pollution / bruit
People who have no jobs - WB Children’s health The pensioniers - IB Lack of rubbish bins ; Lack of control of purity in the city (the streets are not cleaned) ; Dirty bus stops
B02 - Infrastructures et équipements de base
People who have no jobs - ACT Improve roads ; More parking places ; Better roads ; Improve safety on roads The pensioniers - WB Pavements in good condition The pensioniers - IB Bad pavements ; Bad roads The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica - IB Bad Road The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB traffic ; holes in the streets
B03 - Infrastructures et équipements de services
People who have no jobs - ACT More kindergartens People with psychic disorders who attend day house - IB lack of Media Markt store in Debica The pensioniers - WB Close distance to all facilities ; Amenities in arriving at the cemetery
B04 - Lieux de rencontres et de loisirs
People who have no jobs - ACT Create playgrounds for children to play The pensioniers - IB Few benches to rest for the elderly
B05 - Météo et phénomènes naturels
People with psychic disorders who attend day house - WB Good weather People with psychic disorders who attend day house - IB rain ; bad weather ; lack of sun The youth, that attends the scouts in debica - IB natural disasters ; bad weather
B06 - Espace et paysage
People who have no jobs - WB Green places in town The pensioniers - WB Green places, gardens , flowers
B07 - Cadre de production et de travail
Nombre total de critères : 504
Nombre total de critères attribués : 504
Nombre total de critères non attribués : 0

Dernière modification de la page : Jeudi 13 octobre 2016 00:08:05 UTC