Années :

HAttitudes et initiatives
H06S'engager dans la société
Qu'est-ce que pour vous le mal-être ?
Not being able to help even if you want to
Que faites-vous ou pouvez-vous faire en tant que citoyen pour assurer votre bien-être ou le bien-être de tous ?
Parents and children should have more in common, do more things together
An open school where parents also feel safe and can be piloted to help
Better environment by means of for instance “Botkyrka litter picking week”, when school and residential districts participate
Engage in politics
Engaging in political matters
Engaging in political social matters
Engage yourself
Join a school council, spend time with my neighbours and walk in the nights to prevent violence in the streets
Society should help people, not hinder them
Get involved in any social solution for better conditions
Attend meetings
Work with community
Try to start up a small organization to educate people about: health, hygiene, immunization, job creation and values of living in a happy society, demerits of discrimination