Années :
HAttitudes et initiatives
H04Rencontrer / Écouter, Être solidaire
Qu'est-ce que pour vous le mal-être ?
Just thinking of oneself
When an individual does not get the help s/he needs
Qu'est-ce que pour vous le bien-être ?
To feel valued and heard
Wellbeing is also when you do something for someone else – a favor, a loan, a ride, etc.
Help people who need support
Que faites-vous ou pouvez-vous faire en tant que citoyen pour assurer votre bien-être ou le bien-être de tous ?
Establish small groups in contexts where people are seen and have an influence
Help others
Help the sick
Help the poor
To be able to separate right from wrong
Help others to get better self confidence
Helping others that understand less
Help people quit smoking and drugabusing
Help the blind
Help the homeless
Help those that are bullied
Act against mobbing
Take care of my family more than they used to do in the old days
Try to make use of and share my knowledge
Treat people equally
Show love and consideration
Teach people to understand other cultures and create mutual understanding
Ensure that education does not become a class issue
Be helpful to one another
Anti-bullying campaigns in schools
Understanding one another
Support weak and vulnerable people
Try to be clear in my criticism