Années :
AAccès aux moyens de vie
A08Pouvoir d'achat / finances
Qu'est-ce que pour vous le mal-être ?
Poor Economy
No money
To be forced to deny your children material things that other children has because of a poor economic situation or to be excluded in other ways
No money
Messy barbecue areas
Bad economy x 2
Go to bed on an empty stomach
Bad economy
Too much bills
Anxiety for the economy
Poor economy
A poor economy that limits my free time and my personal development.
Qu'est-ce que pour vous le bien-être ?
Stable economy
Financial security
Financial security
Enough money
Enough money
Not having to worry or fight over money
Good economy
To afford to give my family a good quality of life
Waking up every morning without having to worry about money
Sound financial standing
Security in economy
Good and viable economy
Financial security
Prosperity– thriving economy
Financial security
A good enough economy to pay current expenses
An economy that will allow you to not have to think about every penny spent
A secure economy so that there is no worry that the money will run out
Que faites-vous ou pouvez-vous faire en tant que citoyen pour assurer votre bien-être ou le bien-être de tous ?
Higher pensions
Plan my economy and work hard